Implementation Guide
23.1.0 - R4 APIs

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Delete by encounter id

Delete interactions are executed as specified in the HL7 FHIR RESTful API implementation definition. To delete an existing resource, an application must perform an HTTP DELETE command

DELETE [base]/fhir/r4/[type]/[id]?encounter=id {encounter id} {_format=[json|xml]}


[_format] Specifies the format of the output and may be xml or json. When present, the _format value overrides the value of the Accept header in the request.
[encounter=id] Logical id of the encounter resource.
HTTP Response Codes

The following HTTP response codes are returned by this API call:

Response code Description
400 Bad Request The resource could not be parsed, or failed basic validation rules. Id may be missing or does not follow required format.
424 Failed Dependency Although the request met basic validation rules, an internal issue prevented the requested interaction.