Implementation Guide
23.1.0 - R4 APIs

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Operation: documentReference-generateCDA

Wrap the contents of this document in a CDA Header.The $generateCDA operation constructs a CDA Document from the referenced content, optionally converting it to a different format (e.g., PDF, HTML or plain text). The content conforms to CDA Level 1 (a header and nonXMLBody), and may also conform to the HL7 CCDA 2.1 Unstructured Body or the IHE Scanned Document formats.

GET [base]/$generateCDA?{operation-parameters}


Use Name Cardinality Type Binding Documentation
IN conformance 0..1 code Document Class Value Set (Required ) Level1 | CCDA2.1 | XDS-SD
IN contentType 0..1 code Content Type Code Value Set for $generateCDA Operation (Required ) text/plain | application/pdf | text/htm
IN raw 0..1 string true | false | body
OUT return 1..1 DocumentReference | Binary The returned document.