Implementation Guide
23.1.0 - R4 APIs

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Operation: valueset-expand

The definition of a value set is used to create a simple collection of codes suitable for use for data entry or validation. If the operation is not called at the instance level, one of the in parameters identifier, context or valueset must be provided. An expanded value set will be returned, or an OperationOutcome with an error message.

GET [base]/ValueSet/$expand
GET [base]/ValueSet/[id]/$expand


Use Name Cardinality Type Binding Documentation
IN filter 1..1 string A text filter that is applied to restrict the codes that are returned (this is useful in a UI context). The interpretation of this is delegated to the server in order to allow to determine the most optimal search approach for the context.
IN count 0..1 integer Paging support - how many codes should be provided in a partial view. Paging only applies to flat expansions - servers ignore paging if the expansion is not flat. If count = 0, the client is asking how large the expansion is. Servers SHOULD honor this request for hierarchical expansions as well, and simply return the overall count.
OUT return 1..1 ValueSet The result of the expansion. Note: as this the only out parameter, it is a resource, and it has the name 'return', the result of this operation is returned directly as a resource